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World Wide Contacts > Africa > Eritrea

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Egypt Libya Tunisia Algeria Morocco Western Sahara Mauritania Senegal The Gambia Guinea Bissau Guinea Sierra Leone Liberia Mali Cote d'lvoire Burkina Faso Ghana Togo Benin Niger Nigeria Chad Cameroon Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea Sao Tome and Principe Gabon Congo Central African Republic Sudan Eritrea Cape Verde Ethiopia Somalia Djibouti Congo, DRC Uganda Kenya Tanzania Rwanda Burundi Angola Zambia Namibia Botswana Zimbabwe Mozambique Malawi South Africa Swaziland Lesotho Seychelles Seychelles Juan De Nova Island Comoros Mayotte Madagascar Glorioso Islands Mauritius

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no regional agency available

Agency Name:
Ministry of Land, Water and Environment

Contact Name:
Woldemichael Ghebremariam

Contact Title:

Ministry of Land, Water and Environment
P.O. Box 976

(291-1) 118-021

(291-1) 123-285